My Mx510


My Mx510 is doing some weird stuff lately, sometimes it's not responding at all or it just goes mad and makes turns and selfkilles (mouse3) automatically and then i get kicked for Flood. When I return to desktop my sensitivity has lowered all of a sudden and I have to reboot my computer to let it settle down again.

Help pls!
pls clear it from time to time -.- 1 click blocks button imo
turn its mouse hz down?
You have to take Juizes mouse
format teh mouse.
omg its mx510 assassine version thats why it breaks all the time, he usually throws it off his table
My copperhead does the same, and i had it for around a mounth :X
you re mouse is taking over your pc so i don't see the problem:(
using ps/2 connector from other mouse?
Ja ik heb zo'n plugin van iets anders, is dat het?
probeer maar ns USB, alle problemen weg. Alleen als je 125 Hz gebruikt MOET je ook 125 fps gebruiken, anders stottert ie. Bij hogere Hz waardes maakt t niet uit.
Throw it away, that shit don't works. Mx310 is much better than 518.
Don't have neither.
510 is best actually
How can you stand there and lie to my face? To my fucking face... :[
my keyboard doesn't wo
check my last journal
je mag mijn mx518 hebben (A)
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