Old, there's some noob going around who's spoofed perfo's guid and PBguid and then "busted" him as quitting (XF name: T6mmy, flame on :D )
So no probs kiss, perfo will not quit ET ;-)
Btw this one's for T6mmy: You're a noob, it's kinda stupid to say perfo will quit when he's posted a journal about him buying a ticket to shgOpen just yesterday...
(@jackie) kijk op xfire elke journal is hij de eerste replyer die jonge heeft gewoon geen schaamhaar en is de hele dag online plus dat als we tegen hun spelen ownen we hem
So no probs kiss, perfo will not quit ET ;-)
Btw this one's for T6mmy: You're a noob, it's kinda stupid to say perfo will quit when he's posted a journal about him buying a ticket to shgOpen just yesterday...
I betcha they'll help you ;-)
No, it has smth to do with your ETkey, if you change that then you get a different PBguid
poor perfo
If i am right Crossfire is a communtie right so?.. if that says he cheat.. were all cheaters if we got our Guid here?
Good idea to check the more fine details of the yawning.
true xfire mentality
spoof ? fake ? :o
Edit: If you get a new guid you have to update it in the program. It works on guids not pbguids.
(@jackie) kijk op xfire elke journal is hij de eerste replyer die jonge heeft gewoon geen schaamhaar en is de hele dag online plus dat als we tegen hun spelen ownen we hem
Banned by PB or something
and this is perfo in RTCW:
zOMG BUSTED!8818111
(23:11:20) (-sBNC) Wed Jan 31 20:06:23 2007 t6mmy ([email protected]): _D
(23:11:20) (-sBNC) Wed Jan 31 20:06:23 2007 t6mmy ([email protected]): :D