Need good mouse

Im searching a good mouse who knows a good mouse? :)
depends on the money what u want to spend...

imo Logitech G5 > all but here will come the comments with "omg razer is the best coz all company based on gaming omg"...

gl finding a good one!
anti-razerzone? :O
again with ur logitech g5?
mx 518 125 hz 250 fps
had g5 before mx518 owns it
This is one thing that needs to be fixed in the next ETPro. The spread should not depend on the fps and usb hz.
fix german ping !!
i recommend mx518.. <3 the mouse.
mx518 ofc....
Razer DeathAdder.
Explorer 3.0 :-P
With urtimat?
logitech mx518 or g5 + Qpad CT Large in black ownz
no need for a mouse for you, just down nexus again ;)
QPad or everglide (dunno)

mx518 or razer db depends of mouse hold hand/fingers) weight


DEATH ADDER SUXXX there was a nice comedian serial with Rowan Atkinson titled like this mouse xDDDDDD
or black adder ...dunno but rally funny xDDDDDD
buy a logitech random imo

made me laugh, "works for me well"
IE 3.0

cheap and n1
logitech mx510, or mx518 or microsoft intelli
logitech G5
explorer 3.0 ftw.
Quote P5Y on 01/02/07, 18:53:49 Del | Edit | Reply

no need for a mouse for you, just down nexus again ;)

--> same goes for you...
explorer 3.0+ icemat 2nd ed. = mr.antifriction ! :)
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