
Hi . Why when im recording smth with freecam (cl_avidemo 150) it captures uber quickly than when im inside a player.

Ok .then im importing it to vegas and it is so fast that Im lowering velocity to 3 %
to make normal speed.But after rendering scenes with freecam are warping/bluring,mostly a player.There is no problem with normal view inside player.

What to do ?
(cl_avidemo 200 IMOooo
but look ..why it sux on free cam only ? I cant be avidemos fault :(
read again first term plz :P carefully <3
it should B the same ;o mayb reinstall ET or something =) check ur bind if the timescale is oke :P
well is it should then I will check other et immdiately . Thx for cheering up :P
yeah, it's probably your freecam bind. maybe it has like ; timescale 2
or a higher avidemo included
If you capture @ 150fps my guess is that you want 30fps?
record @ 150fps @ timescale 1 and import that to vdub, than export it as 150fps avi (myke sure its 150, not 29,97) and import to vegas, make vegas covert it to 30fps. Same procedure for 25 fps and ae.

And if your using camtrace, make sure you checked there too that you record @ 150fps, not some other number camtrace might use.
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