Good(ish) Morning

I went to bed last night at 10 PM, GMT, because I felt ill. I woke this morning to the delight of puking up in the toilet, I think I might be a little ill...

Anyway, I still got ready for college and hopped on the bus. Got to college early which gave me enough time to buy myself a nice hot chocolate... 25 pence, baragain. Things started looking good, I didn't feel too sick anymore, although my head still hurted a little, oh wait, I have co-proxamols in my bag, how handy is that? Downed a couple with my hot chocolate and they finally kicked in around 20 minutes ago, super! Hopped on the next bus to arrive at the consortium college, traffic jam down the motorway, not bad >:D Chilling out to some music on my Creative Zen and arrive at school a good 20 minutes late, only 30 miutes of first lesson left :D

First lesson ended, nearly completed my portfolio evaluation too... I head off to next lesson and entered the class - note on the whiteboard - "Mr. X is away today, work left in the common room." FUCKING AWESOME, I have a 2 hour free period, how nice. Being the typical student, I decided to not actually pick the work up from the common room, and instead, chill out on the laptops for a bit.

If only I was at my college, I could have gone home and watched episodes 3 and 4 of House, season 2, episode 2 kinda made me a sad panda :(

Just thought i'd share my morning with you, hope you all have a nice day too!
PS. Dr. Cameron from House is hawt.
Hi sheep!

Ccome div comms!
I'm at college you noob :(

Read the post before you comment!
OMG sue me!
You can bet your bottom dollar, she is! rawrr. and the new season is awesome. :-P
crystal meth addicted!
i used to go the cinema or cgz @ newcastle whenever i had free sessions was kewl :D

ive got a zen micro photo too! waki your shit!!
swallowed that knife yet?
i ate it together with my toaster
What do you put into a toaster?
popcorn ofcourse
good lad! :P
bye all (O:
Ohmygawd, did you know that Dr. Cameron is engaged to that Dr. Chase dude?

Irl, that is.
Chase is a noob ffs :'(

Me and biqq > him...
I do dig his Aussie accent though.
creative zen is crap

i was updating my firmware and it crashed?

i can't even turn it on now WTF
Belgen en hun apparaten, nou nou.
no1 gives a shit, why? because your fat and ginger.

Have a nice day.
you should level your warrior!!
HI LOVER! ii just bought bc, iv officially gone to a whole new low. I BLAME PILCH AND ADZZ!!!!
Almost the same story here, I wen't to bed at 3.30 in the night, after watching an excitiing 5maps during 3v3 between lio,sneek,acid and tek,milk,jkie.. I'm just out of bed and i'm so sick.. I felt like I was dying and I cant breath
<3 Dr. House
Chest Infection FTW!
hi waki (m1Ke)
only 1 lesson @ college this morning! so my morning > yours :P especially as an early train was delayed and i just got on it before the doors shut so i got home early, so i watched smokin aces and some war at home :)
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