one more team ffs

come on people there can be another team for SHGopen LAN!

I know of at least 2/3 skilled guys who are able and who want to play there =((

should be able to make at least one more team apart from black magic!

pm me on xfire or irc if you want to go and u dont have a team yet imo!! we need more ETers in copenhagen

main costs are: transport to and from the LAN (depends on where u come from ! :-D), 50 euro entrance fee (I bet its worth it! and prices are decent xd), drinks+f00d, hiring monitor? 28 euro -- thats it!

only downside: Bring Your Own Computer ... and those which were for rent are out of stock

EDIT: and the "i will come if u pay" joke is overused now so if u want to try to be funny be my guest but think of something else
alexL is going to sign up tomorrow...
what for? 1on1 tourney? :P
i heard he should beat up some cocky etplayah's there, im not mention any names yet..since its more fun if u dont know you're a victim!
Isnt alexl himself the cockiest player in et?
i can come if u pay :<

and i dont like your edit :<
haha pwnd:D
how do you hire a monitor? x)
you talk to monitor: "i want to hire you"
and monitor says "ok"
is it possible to share a pc with other et players!
i think it'd be hard :o) dont u have a laptop or smth? :o(
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