this is lame
3 Feb 2007, 00:37
My best friend is going away to the army on sunday for 3 years, fuck this.
I just came back from the going away party thing and I'm depressed, that is just lame :(
I just came back from the going away party thing and I'm depressed, that is just lame :(
suze mi idu na oci zbog tvog cometara
e stvarno nemoj me zajebavat malo sam popijo
ide me rodjak :[ mozda ga slusas... on je Bosanski rapper iz Lukavca... ime mu je Misconduct.
ide mi momak od rodice... i jos jedan drug od mene sto sam uvjek snjim kad sam u Bosni...
jebiga trebaju ic... €5000 mjesecno... u Bosni nema posla...
nek in bude sa srecom!
There is pretty much no way you can serve under a year unless you're very sneaky and can trick them somehow.
being able to go through the routine of being trained in the army and getting you fit plus giving you the experience but only for a short time wouldn't be that bad, would also sort out all the loud 16 year old fucks who have too big an ego when they meet people twice their size.