I'm asking perfo

Uhm, so after getting killed through airstrike/artillery smoke quite regularly, I decided it sucks - I just feel that everyone can see through those smokes, but I can't see a sh*t. If I'm right, r_ignorehwgamma has some influence on this (+ r_intensity and r_gamma), but I don't want to swap back to r_ignorehwgamma 1 nor decreasing r_intensity n stuff:).

So how to make those smokes transparent with r_ignorehwgamma 1, r_intensity 1.5 and r_gamma 1.7 ?.)
get WH or smtn
get WH or smtn
get WH or smtn
btw, don't answer get WH or smtn
get WH or smtn
get WH or smtn
(c) by borat:
"He have some little retardation?"
there is no way except for rivatuner
Teente... The point of a smokescreen is NOT TO BE TRANSPARENT!
prob the best reaction on a stupid question like this...
Then tell me how it is possible that everyone is shooting me through those smokes?:P Don't tell me everyone uses haxez:)
They call it prediction, when there's a smoke, there's a teammate that goes around the smoke (he can see them) and tells the rest where they are, and then it's just a question of spamming some bullets, and when you hit something, keep shooting ;-)

Or in perfo's case, you need perfoheisers :D
perfo is so famous nowadays , more tha mystic
ask razz
too many

image: Rapesco%202%20Hole%20Punch%20820-P

journals imo, niet persoonlijk he gaatjesmachine!
r_atmosphericeffects "0"
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