
In continuation of FlyingDJ's journal, I'm looking for Italian people. I would like to go to Italy but I could use some help organising everything. I can give you e-affection in return.

So if there's a wellwilling Italian on here, please pm me!
need a guide to the darkside of the moon? /q cro0ked
finland the land of polarbears&reindeers/beers? /q me
need a guide of spodnja kanomlja? /q 4554551|\|4+0/2
what r u gonna tell them? the way to find powerbooster cans in the supermarket? :(
need a guide to kinky butsex with a horse /q loekino
need a guide of some fine pron? /q donuts
Need someone to discuss with about electronic music for hours and hours ? pm me
pizza & pasta ©

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