OiNK :<

I really need an OiNK invite, I can give you a TorrentLeech.org or a BTMusic invite (and even some n1 ratiofakers)!

Please :(
need invites too!
I wouldn't try those "n1 ratiofakers" on OiNK or you'll be banned in no time.
I know, but maybe some people would like them to use for other sites or something.
im finding it very hard to get a decent ratio on oink anyway, everything has lots of seeders and 5 leechers
seed your selfmade trojans
Are you fully connectable? It can take quite some time to build your ratio up if you're just seeding stuff you download (though it's still entirely possible). Just make good rips and upload your own stuff.
who doesnt need invite to oink :<
lol you want oink invite and you say you use ratio fakers?

everyone knows oink has some pro system against cheaters and you get banned for no time and the person that invited you will also get banned...

and btw the only private trackers you can trade for oink is probably ScT or something simler no one will give you invite for anything else
Did I say I use them? I just have them.
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