need help pls

my cpu is allways on 50% of its processor load when im doing nothing
normally it was 0 to 1 % with my standart prozesses
the process called vsmon.exe needs 40-60 % and i cant quit it :(

anyone got suggestion?

- virus scan
- check for spyware

probably some virus
i checked for virus all the time now and it cant find one.
the thing is i´m not downloading from any things like limewire and why i should get an virus then :(
you don't need to download to get a virus...

if ur virus scanner didn't find anything then I suggest you format :]
Google? -_-''
Took me 5 secs to find out that you have to deinstall zonealarm. (Or change the settings)
the program that is causing the problem is ZoneAlarm!
yes vsmon is part of zonealarm firewall i used to get this prob so i installed free firewall :)
nice, thanks <3
no antivirus
no firewall
no anitspyware

Operating System: (WinXP Professional 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build #2600)) ¤ Installed: (XP was installed 21wks 2days 14hrs 14mins 3secs ago)

Record Uptime: (1m 2d 8h 29m 29s set on Sun Jan 21 21:14:09 2007)
no needs on backdoor in Malta :P
BH I LUVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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