i-doser (drugsimulator)

dont know if its old or not, got it from a friend today. Its a little program that lets you experience drugs by listening to sounds..pretty weird stuff lol. There are drugs like cocain, crytal meth, xtc, weed etc. You hear sounds, and you have to close your eyes and listen to it (with headset) while your focusing on the sound. I tried weed and after like 15 minutes my eyesight went kinda blurry and i actually felt something, not sure if its really works or if its just the placebo effect though.

download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T276FLN1

share what you think of it :D
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Sitting 15 minutes with your eyes closed listening to some weird music would make most people feel something.
old, most of doses dont have any effect
you're stupid if you actually believe in that bullshit!
my countrys download slots are full :(
Actually this stuff can work


"Brainwave synchronization (entrainment) may be achieved when audio signals are introduced to the brain causing a response directly related to the frequency of the signal introduced, called binaural beats. Two tones close in frequency generate a beat frequency at the difference of the frequencies, which is generally subsonic. For example, a 500 Hz tone and 510 Hz tone will produce a subsonic 10 Hz tone, roughly in the middle of the alpha range."

Try Brainwave generator
Dude - if this thing works it may generate UBERETPLAYERS if used in the alpha state.

I used to meditate (zen) and it works quite well, but is really hard to do. Not thinking, even for few minutes, is a goddamn challenge. I tried both - out and inside meditations. Both generate a similiar state. Inside is with closed eyes and you try to 'explore' your mind, while the outer meditation is with open eyes and is used to increase awareness. Interesting stuff I must say.

WARNING - Meditating while being unexpierienced with it may lead to schizofrenia.
hm it probably only works for dutch people?

just google it
Doesn't do anything for me, perhaps I'm just too sceptic.
peanut butter jelly time!
image: Verveling

random pic
id rox
tried french roast and it didnt work :( im even more tired than before tbh
will try more though
tried for studying kinda relaxing tho
tried weed too yesterday irl o_0 omg im so c00l..
The program isn't working on my computer.
Marijuana worked for me. :0
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