Fragmovies top 3

Since I haven't been involved in ET for so long I don't know alot of highskillers and their clans.

Therefore I need everyones top 3 of the best ET fragmovies so I know which ones I definatly need to see !

My top 3 so far:

#1 WhoCares by dAF&Zorn
#2 Decimated
#3 Xylos - the movie

PS: full fragmovies > trailers
#4 Vilango auf wiedersehen
post your own top 3 plox :<
#1 esrael the movie
#2 step back by anubis/kris movie 2
#3 razz_vs_violence/ born to be lame
#1 Born to be lame
#2 eSrael the movie
#3 Shewie & Ganon - Third Level

Edit: oh, and trailers do suck indeed.
1.winghaven second orgasm
1. raziel mama rosa
2. decimated
3. jafo row
waarneer kom ik weer in je buddylist? kkr noep
ede bruinbrood gegede
1. wing 2
2. razz
3. kris 2
kris 2 a top 3 movie? roflbofl
1: kris 1
2: tiigeri - another tigger behind the trigger
3: kris 2
#1 razz vs violence
#2 decimated
#3 winghaven's 2nd orgasm
#1 Tsu 2
#2 XyloS zE m0ViEhz0r
#3 Winghaven secondd dick
lold at that dick one =DDDD
never played rtcw, except 30 mins of singleplayer
1:wing 2nd orgasm
eerst chemie leren :'(

maar wie speelt er dan ook liever 2v2 dan mij als merc te vrage ? >:(
1st (Fragmovie): Mama Rosa
2nd (Creative): Red, Green, Blue
3rd (Well done): R3
Just Another ET Movie by mico.
Born to be lame/eSrael/kris 2/R3/Shewie & Ganon 3rd/winghaven's moviez

But tbh violent reflection or infensus are better (but they are RTCW movies):P
Dignitas.ET eXposed
adzz Flashbacks
eSrael The Movie
u haven't checked out the new fragmovies for couple of a years orsmth? :)
Yea thought so :) those were the greatest pieces of art back then but they can't compare with todays movies in quality & compression n' stuff
Why did I say yeah?

Anywho, I watch almost every new video... and still those are my favorites.
need link for adzz flashbacks
1. eSrael
2. blindness
3. shewie & ganon levels
1. eSreal the movie.
2. ET allstars 2
3. one4one - decimated
1. kris et movie 2
2. decimated
3. born to be lame
1.Winghaven -Second nature
2. Max part 2
1. Jackers Show 2
2. Xylos ze movie
3. Ganon&Shewie third lvl
1. adzz Flashbacks - the best movie imo :)

2. JAETM by mico

3. eSrael the movie
1 > xylos teh movie
2 > winghaven's 2nd orgasm (yay @ orgams, yay @ pf frags)
3 > intelligentlife
pls intelligent life sucked like Finland cROSBY sucks dick
1! Suck my Ping (1st frag movie I saw)
2! RGB (brilliant)
3! (new et movie from Aus.)
Dignitas eXposed is one of the main reasons I started. It might seem dated now but back in the late summer of 2004 it was the business.
#1 WakiZashi Frags
#2 the gambitshow
#3 Allu hexx

hahaha fun.

I liked the gambitshow tbh :p
movies I like too: F-Ugly 3 & 4, Out Of The Way, syxxpacc inc., toxthemovie, Operation BIGMAC, Kris ET Movie 1, mirro_lms
1. raziel's all movies , including CSS,RTCW,ET -> iratus 1,2 , mamarosa

2. Ganon Souvenirs

3. razz vs violence.
1. WhoCares by dAF&Zorn
2. kihmovie-FINAL
3. Winghaven: Second Nature
rtcw bigmac by crumbs
#1: JaFo Row
#2: Just Another ET Movie
#3: DSky - True Destination
(@) neo movies FTW!
can someone give me the link op kAptensi movie?

someone said i was in it :(
#1: WhoCares - dAF&Zorn
#1: Winghaven - Out of the way
#1: Another tigger behind the trigger
#1: Decimated (Great to show ppl that never played ET)
#2: Winghaven's second nature
#3: JAETM by mico
#4: razz vs violence
#5: Fragarea 1 - quaky pictures (Editing ++ And nice to show ppl that never played ET)
#6: Xylos the movie (By far the best rifle movie)

These are the movies that gave me the "real" ET feeling and arent boring after 5 minutes. Judged by feeling, quality and "ET feeling" no fanboïsm. And afaik oldskool movies are overrated, I dont think they are interesting to watch unless you played with the guys or entered the scene over two years ago.

p.s Kris 2 is nice if you really watch them for the frags.
gza's first is way better, but it's my subjective opinion
could be (I have the 1 with the linkin park + loading screen @ the start)
that's second, ask somebody for first
Well if u have a link that would be nice =]
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