HI XFIRE (repetition)

Hello Xfire peoples! Hope you are all well. I am doing ok. I played football earlier today, after having been laid off with a groin injury for the past month and a half. My groin feels good! I think I may be fully recovered although it was only a kickabout, so I wasn't pushing it as far as I might in a competitive game.

My internet connection is behaving oddly at the moment. It often cuts off after 20 minutes or so, mainly when I am downloading. I have heard much about ISPs 'throttling' connections to reducte a person's connection rate, but I wouldn't have thought this would result in the internet cutting off completely. Bizarrely, if I restart the modem, this seems to help matters, and brings back the connection. Weirdness.

Anyone know what the devil is going on?
I did my groin in playing 6 a side on astroturf was out for 3weeks. when it happend it felt like a elastic band being twanged :P
Heh, do you play at Goodwin perchance? Seem to recall you're from Sheffield. Man, when I first did my groin, it was absolute agony, could barely walk the next day. Nightmare.
sounds lovely!
Nice to see you're back. :O)
back in the game, Mr Viax, BACK IN THE GAME, sir, but for how long? Anyways, the firewall at work doesn't seem to like Crossfire. Breaks me little heart it does...
Hello Bananas!
je kan helemaal niet knifen in q3
Lo, your bananes have gone! WHAT THE FUCK?
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