Punkbuster/ETpro giud

Hello readers,

I finally put together my system, though I'm not happy with the motherboard. But it'll do for now.

Two questions:

1) I'm new to Yawn, so I registered and installed it, but it's asking me for my PB guid and ETpro giud. Any idea how and where I can see that, so that I can enter it?

2) I'm using a temporary motherboard now. So I will be getting a new one. However, that means that I will intall windows again, loosing all the data I have(YES I Choose to install a fresh windows and lose the data). However since I'm entering my PB and ETpro guid right now, what do I need to save to keep the same PB and ET pro guid whilst having a new motherboard? Is it my ETKEY?

Thanks in advance.
format c:
why do u always reply to my comments, :>
he is a stalker :) ain't u valdi? :*

/clear; guids; wait 20; condump guid.txt

I think thats it.
To keep your PB guid, keep your ETKey. You cant keep your etpro guid when you're changing some hardware. Also, to register your pb guid and etpro guid:

1) go to a server in ET
2) open the program yawn.
3) settings -> profile
4) click the Register for game button

it will automatically generate your pb guid and the etpro guid inside the box from your game. you have to have ET on to do this
Thanks will do it right away. And save my current ETkey.

Tenminste 2 personen die duidelijke antwoorden geven.

Thank again
Yawn is a very difficult program to use indeed. It spend ages looking for it, but this is how I did it:

image: 30442894xh1
image: 15129219ul7
image: 25845723sp6

Tnx to Denmark Raziel Germany Wipeout and United Kingdom Madscientist for all the support they gave me while solving this dillema.
Hey Overdrive,
Thanks for the pictures. I already figured all that out before posting here. I needed to know how to get my guid. Perfo's explanation was clear enough.

Long live people who are helpfull! ;)
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