999 lags during ET playing..


Everyime i play ET, i get 999 lags a few time each war.. its only for 10-15 seconds usually.

(sometimes i get 5-6 in a row..)

ive checked the processes... nothing unusual is running..

And i can still talk on vent during my lags,so I dont think its the I-net connection.

Ive heard others have this problems sometimes..

so is there anyone out there who know what it is?

thanx for all the help!
I had the same, after I started to disable my firewall and anti-virus programm during I play ET, it seems to be fixed.
looks like lost!
nice colors but very badly edited :S
I had the same problem for a few days but now its fixed, dunno why :o)
just stop playing ET ( like me )u suck NP LAWL
(cdap|aeq): you outaim me

no wonder u stoped=)
image: stealinginternetki9

did you check if fuzz or a cat is leaking ur conn ;o

on a more serious sidenote try resetting your modem and check for worms(downlaod system mechanic latest version is cracked)
try cranepause ehehehe (see, I got sense of humor!)

nice one=)
yeh i had same problem, but then it stopped. my guess is that your internet company is doing line maintenance. so your i-net wouldn't go down but be slightly impaired. a restart sometimes helps
Hmm, most likely it's a DNS issue. The DNS servers from your provider are unstable. I had the same issue for awhile and used an alternate DNS ip from another provider, not sure if that's ok to do but I did it for a little while...

Dunno what provider you have, but more often than not you can obtain other providers DNS ip's from their sites.

So when u encounter this issue, just ping the DNS servers that u use, and if they are down u know if that's your problem at least.
Snuble Do u use wlan router?
maybe wlan losing connection and rebuilding?!?
If you got wifi connexion, you router may be malfunctioning
I have it too since recently and its a pain in the ass. A few times each map you just go 999, nothing you can do about it :/
you can always suck dick
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