
anyways off 2 the army tommorow morning,
wanted 2 say much love goes out for, acozz, mztik, sqzz, syk and max...
im sure i forgot some others tho they are the main guys ill remmember.
i maybe didnt get any ec title tho im sure i did alot/enough the time i played this game here, some dont respect me some do, some dont like me and so on tho im sure enough know i did alot so im happy with that.

for the rest, hf with playing et dont let the game die so soon ;].
much love guys cya in 3 years.
you have forgot me but nP ^^

gL =)
Dont die so soon as well ! :(((((((
Good Luck! Come back for an interview
Upload your shoutcast please.
bye, u have ultimate fps now so no whine LoL!! :P
You'll be coming back right in time for RTCW 2 !!
hope ET lives longer than u will :<
u want him to die?
its not a matter of what i want

he is going to the army, and not ANY army in the world.

really hope he will live through it
Dude, he will have the BEST pistol on earth, he is gonna be fine :)
.50cal pistol :P ?
better than throwing rocks i guess
desert eagle, its fucking pwnage, at least in css :((
i wouldnt mind having one myself!
I'd rather have a luger, cooler imo ;]]
hope you dont need it
3 years is pretty much, gl
GL enjoyed watching you play
no lag out there !
no goodbye 2 me fo! only joking m8 hf in the army :)
hF with palestinians.
Hope your lag will still help.
hf killing women and children i guess, murderer?
you are fucked up.
isnt that what the israeli army does?
were you raised by TV ?
cause we all know they've never killed a single civilian.
just as much as we all know that is not what the army 'does'.
i hpe u agree that admitting they prolly have killed a civilian at some point isnt the same as admitting it's justified to call crozz murderer and to say "hf killing women and children"

u could have thought of this urself instead of posting that pointless reply.
were you raised by american propaganda?
not quite.
hf being a retarded dumbass all ur life?
they only rape the women!
think twice before you press trigger pls
wrong cause but stay alive
good luck
bye see you about 3year jo
gl and keep yer head down :)
GL CroZzzzZ lag them down ! ;<
have fun

don't be a stranger
:'(( well miss u! bb and gl
gl & hf to army.
Good Bye and Good Luck mate!! It's been a pleasure. Hope you have a new comp when you come back. :P
more crozz jouurnals ;) :P
cya crozz and gl in army :)
All the best for u.... gl
bye crozZ gl in teh army
after 3 years u will get low :p in et
good luck out there Tom!
:( gl crozZ
Cya, good luck.


image: 29zd35j
good luck CrozZ :)
bb borca!
good bye cross, we would missed you
now i wont have anyone to learn from by specing him :(
cu ruddie :)
good bye crozz i hope you enjoy the time :)
break a leg
I'm so fucking lucky I don't have to go into the army.

Good luck!
pappapapa Crozzie :(
cya tomush hf =)
gl and remember: make love, not war ;)
A great country that is I admit to have.
gl man

maybe you can use some ET skill in the fields :D
goodluck bye bye !
gL. :<
gl and unbind selfkill dude
GL laggy jew, u where 1 of the best guys i wish u the best in the army;)
we will missed you :<
good luck, and before you go into the army fix your cfg and remember, Palestina people are un-hittable! dont get FPS lagg !!!

Who are you ?

gl in teh supra isreal kazaksthan army dude :)!
Good bye stupid jobnik :p
im hu jobnik az al ma kol ha meuma XD
Goodbye Pro Owner CrozZ<3
bb baby <3
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