german law

yesterday a judge in berlin decided that german police is allowed to send spyware and trojans to ur PC. They r also allowed to use those infos they found at court!

wtf? this cannot be true? 1st of april earlier this year? didnt find any articles in inet but it was on TV yesterday...
discuss :/

damn, bad mistake - my fault - i misses a "nicht" or sth yesterday when i was watchin TV,1518,464339,00.html

police is NOT allowed to since yesterday, thank god :)
<3 germans
I know this law is already in Nordrhein-Westfalen.

I'm lolling quite hard atm, and I will continue doing this for the next 5 years if this law really exists. :]
its not a law. it´s only like it´s not forbidden for the police to do so...
nice privacy
what about data protection act?
yeah i remember it the same way, thought i read some days ago that it is NOT ALLOWED, i think Fattony is getting something wrong here
lol gg tony^^
lolled :)
ADS ftw ;)
n1 tony :o
All your base are belong to us.
"Online-Razzien unzulässig
Bundesgerichtshof: Rechtslage reicht für Computer-Durchsuchung nicht aus"

halte ich also für ein gerücht

edit: ok, hab dein edit erst später gesehen xD
rofl wär auch n ding
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