
Several points to raise in this EFFICIENT journal -

One, I am connecting via a proxy server at uni. They recently changed the setup so that I have to use my uni login to make the internet go. However, whenever I load a new page it hasnt seen before it prompts me to re-enter my login, is there anyway I can get rid of this most annoying feature

Two, The builders have moved in next door and every fucking morning they wake me up. I am planning some form of nuclear assault, however I am contemplating a chemical attack. Which method do you prefer and why? Anyone had experiences in waging war?

Three, I have alot of apoligising to do after last night and I am afraid of seeing certain people this morning because I dont think they'll like me very much after last night!

Four, My head is POUNDING

Five, Make sure you go to a uni with 80%+ women because the views, even in the library are amazing! :D

What did you do last night that you should have a lot of apologizing to do now?
asking Lake sec...
I miss Lake, how is he?
last year bachelor informatics @ uni, think he's going for his master :) He's fine I guess. Can't find him anywhere in the house however =(
You live with lake? omg, get his autograph pls :D
he's my brother!
wtf? I want a bloodtest to confirm. I understood that Lake was similar to Jesus, no brother just many followers.
QuoteFive, Make sure you go to a uni with 80%+ women because the views, even in the library are amazing! :D

It's very hard to find a uni with an 80%-women quote, isn't it? 50-50 here, enough nice views tho :D
In the uk the boy/girl difference attending uni is quite high as unfortunately girls get much higher grades (cheaters). However, I'm a uni that has girly subjects which also helps!
bcak morf het bluc-journal
It's cbul* xD
i have liek 5% females and it makes college kinda boring ://
You are doing a boring subject though
Mehh =) you drunktard!
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