vista vs xp/2k


I'm going to format my HD tomorrow and I don't know if I should give Windows Vista a try yet or not.

All I need is:
- ET (yo)
- CS (drago is med/high, rly!)
- Some webdesign/graphic applications (to make $_$)
- Office (LoL)
- IRC / MSN (to arrange dates wit gRlZ n stuff)

Are there any known problems with one of those programs?

VISTA or XP/2k, what would/do you prefer?
ET - Not with vista, any Q3 Engine game + Punkbuster have many many vista based problems.
Why not? There`s a solution for Enemy Territory probs on Vista. At Vista you`re a normal user like on linux, to solve the probs you need to work with an administrator-status & everything works fine..

just my opinion :q
PB sux for WinXP too.
What kind of problems with PB i never had any on vista Ultimate.
agree with tossucker and I think you should wait a sec with vista :)
PB dont work with vista and i dont know for steam
steam isn't the protection of CS. Even if we'r not sure if it works with vista, the more important is the CS protection to know if it allows vista or not
vista beta is for testing 0nly
Because there are new drivers released 30 January(from nvidia, dunno about ATI), and any q3 engine games including ET works fine with normal fps.
MSN/IRC/Office ofc is fine on vista
Dunno about CS
And graphical design depends on programs which you will use. Photoshop btw works fine.
+ Vista design is cool, but anyway MAC OS>Vista
Use Windows XP, Im using Visita @ my work any many things are not working.

Ass example we are using internet from an kpn-card and visita is not supporting those drivers for the card, that means i cant use it.
Windows live messenger is also not working under Vista, and so are many more things.
oh plz! lies tbh. live messenger works just exactly as in XP...
Many people have problems with MSN + Vista. Just cos u know to upgrade ur MSN and have DEP turned off, don't mean ne-others have zat!
thanks @ all.
so?! your decision?
going for xp. no vista drivers for my notebook available atm ;)
Mach`s nicht so spannend pj0t3r!!!11 :DDDDDDDDD

JUNGEEE, wofüR h4st du d1ch entschieden?????????????
für windows 3.11
Das schafft dein h$-notebook nicht, aber sehr gewagt, RESPEKT! :)))
zas wos eppa

einfach formatieren vista draufhaun testen wenns net geht hau da wieder xpee drauf !
asta la vista windows vista
Just get the skin pack , and nothing more. When it officially comes out , maybe then it is in need to instal it.
windows 98 ftw
- IRC / MSN (to arrange dates wit gRlZ n stuff)
i lol'd, lies
- IRC / MSN (to arrange pracs with clans n stuff)
this should be right
be carefull going to vista as apparently there is negative accel and its like really hard to turn off....
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