8 GHz

and i'm stuck with my 3700+ @ 2.5ghz, very sad...
got 8.2 w00t
sure lol
OLD + its an old intel pentium 4... 8+ghz hasnt got any use anyway
Too bad they couldn't do a benchmark
too bad that it isn't useful at all because most C2Ds will outperform this processor (Thinking of Conroes > 3 GHZ). + The cooling is much easier with an C2D :D
with the premium P4 @ 5.ghz you can get 10ghz izi nP
seriously there is a P4 @ 5Ghz for ~1000€ but i dont know how you can O/C it :<
ya rly!

(thats what you was waiting for ?)
but first i'd like to see p4 @ 5ghz 4 1k$
And still the guy had fps drops in goldrush courtyard :'(
there's something weird happening in the brain of those overclockers
paint skills :O
old, and sucks
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