sweRTCW updaet!


Look at the source code. ;o
Allright, since everyone seems to know to look at the source code... let's raise the difficulty!
It's not random numbers, it's actually a message, containing hot info about the site.

Actually it's not that
difficult, so I'm not ac
tually gonna write a
nything important h
ere. mwuhahaha! Hope I wa
sted an hour or so of y
our time. Below is some
text I copied from www.
on.Oblivion, the fourt
h game in the Elder Scro
lls series, is set wit
hin the province of Cy
rodiil, the heartland
and Imperial capital o
f Tamriel. Emperor Uriel S
eptim VII, is assassinate
d in flight from his ow
n palace, but just befor
e he dies he passes to y
ou - the foreordained o
f his dreams - the mysti
c Amulet of Kings. The adve
nture begins with the
quest to find Uriel's lo
st and illegitimate so
n, the only heir to the t
hrone. In a world where t
he forces of darkness s
eek their ultimate do
minion over the ranks
of man and mer alike, you
alone stand between th
e future of Tamriel and
the gates of Oblivion.

idk how to read those weird thingies :<
what does it mean?
The weird symbols are HTML. If you go to a HTML writing program and paste it there, you get this as actual, translated result:

Actually it's not that difficult, so I'm not actually gonna write anything important here. mwuhahaha! Hope I wasted an hour or so of your time. Below is some text I copied from www. uesp.net/wiki/oblivion.Oblivion, the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls series, is set within the province of Cyrodiil, the heartland and Imperial capital of Tamriel. Emperor Uriel Septim VII, is assassinated in flight from his own palace, but just before he dies he passes to you - the foreordained of his dreams - the mystic Amulet of Kings. The adventure begins with the quest to find Uriel's lost and illegitimate son, the only heir to the throne. In a world where the forces of darkness seek their ultimate do minion over the ranks of man and mer alike, you alone stand between the future of Tamriel and the gates of Oblivion.

So once again, it's about crap ;-)

EDIT: I cleared some of the spaces between the letters, it should be readable now ^_^
QuoteIf you go to a HTML writing program and paste it there

What programs for example?
HTML-Kit (http://www.chami.com/html-kit/)

When you just make a new page and paste that code, then click preview, you will find a perfectly readable text! :o ;-)
thx, very useful prog :)
HTML writing program ? :-D
well yeah, a program with which you write html ;-)
OK, notepad is good too, but I use HTML-Kit, which has a preview function
It's old and the message is really really nice, if you know how to read it! :P
hope your plane will crash
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