Sexyhot 2nd movie
8 Feb 2007, 17:56
Starring: Sexyhot
Edited by: klejf (#webartdesign)
Size: 297,0 MB
Duration: 12:26
Resize: 800x512
Codec x264
gl watching
Edited by: klejf (#webartdesign)
Size: 297,0 MB
Duration: 12:26
Resize: 800x512
Codec x264
gl watching
gj though
And the second song with that: Why did you have to say blablabla... i heard that a short time ago but cant remember where :P
Editing 0/10 (so horrible ..)
Cams 1/10
CFG 5/10 (could be really better)
Musics 3/10 (already used 1000x)
Sync 1/10
overall 3/10
you ruined the frags ...
+ frags: nice frags vs skilled opponents and different types of frags (smg, rifle, fops, nadespamz0r) - always fun to watch.
n quality: wasn't the best you can get with x264 but wasn't too bad neither.
+ cameras: there was a couple of nice cameras used well and not too much of them.
n effects: some nice effects but there were useless effects too and imo there was too much effects used. Could have concentrated to those nicest effects.
- texts: texts were the weakest part in the movie imo. not very creative - white basic fonts with some borders and rays.
- some maps: oasis and supply were spoiled with r_mapoverbrightbits 3 and r_overbrightbits 1 at the same time. Blue metal parts are ugly in adlernest imo but that's kinda personal I think, and so is that I prefer et_ice the icy way.
n music: quite typical for fragmovies but it was good that songs were a bit different.
- syncing: Could have been a lot more.
edit: n for neutral!
overally enjoyable frags, and peculiar choice of musics...
only quality wasn't the best it could be, but it didn't bother me that much
+Frags, music
-quality, texts