Sexyhot 2nd movie

Starring: Sexyhot
Edited by: klejf (#webartdesign)
Size: 297,0 MB
Duration: 12:26
Resize: 800x512
Codec x264

gl watching

IK ben aan het downloaden!
shit tbh :/
je hebt hem nog geens eens gezien wimpY zeh pimpY
shouldnt it be hf watching, or is it so terrible, that u wish us luck to survive? :|
eye cancer if you watch
dick cancer if u put it too deep in ass
Finished downloading it and its awsome, loved it <3
nice frags etc, but to be honest, the quality was not that good, and it got a little boring in the end

gj though
i hope its as superb as the first one, grml
First one was shit, only good frags, cause it's Sexy ofc!
sacrasm :(
Didn't notice.
k just saw it like the movie sometimes some shit effects thrue it quality is good enough but try to get it better every single time.
And the second song with that: Why did you have to say blablabla... i heard that a short time ago but cant remember where :P
not gonna dload it, can anyone tell how many clantags sexyhot has on that?
Frags 8/10
Editing 0/10 (so horrible ..)
Cams 1/10
CFG 5/10 (could be really better)
Musics 3/10 (already used 1000x)
Sync 1/10

overall 3/10

you ruined the frags ...
tell me in what movies my music has been used
i never remember which music fit with which movie but im sure that i heard them a lot of times
mine !! but alright, i mean you no harm :d
you couldnt be more wrong
it's my opinion and i dont really care at yours tbh ...
if u dont care about other's oppinion why u expect us to care urs?
the main target is the moviemaker, not you :)
i was first fragged
happy new first fragged
makes me emo :(
nice movie
overally quite nice job. some of my thoughts:

+ frags: nice frags vs skilled opponents and different types of frags (smg, rifle, fops, nadespamz0r) - always fun to watch.

n quality: wasn't the best you can get with x264 but wasn't too bad neither.

+ cameras: there was a couple of nice cameras used well and not too much of them.

n effects: some nice effects but there were useless effects too and imo there was too much effects used. Could have concentrated to those nicest effects.

- texts: texts were the weakest part in the movie imo. not very creative - white basic fonts with some borders and rays.

- some maps: oasis and supply were spoiled with r_mapoverbrightbits 3 and r_overbrightbits 1 at the same time. Blue metal parts are ugly in adlernest imo but that's kinda personal I think, and so is that I prefer et_ice the icy way.

n music: quite typical for fragmovies but it was good that songs were a bit different.

- syncing: Could have been a lot more.

edit: n for neutral!
good movie
I think it was kinda good movie

overally enjoyable frags, and peculiar choice of musics...

only quality wasn't the best it could be, but it didn't bother me that much
this isn't aiming omg.
could have done with a faster dl. im only ketting 143 kbps :/
i downloaded with 250 kb/s
The movie sucks Sexyhot, mainly because of you!
jij bent ook al zo stoer ;(
Zo ben ik gewoon.
very nice movie:
+Frags, music

-quality, texts
waar kan je zo rar progam halen!
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