what's your favorite...

...subject in school?

mine is: programming/PHP
Pls, you're 67 and your sausage is useless.

edit: btw, it's pathetic that you're still in school.
what's could be "what was"
Yours languages don'ts works.
no native inklish. sry
Computer Games :P
chemistry !
daar zit wat in :p wij hebben altijd van die lekkere broodjes op school :p mmmmm
Bij ons hebben ze in de kantine een snack bar ;)
Rab kcans nee enitnak ed ni ez nebbeh sno jib. loohcs po sejdoorb erekkel eid nav djitla nebbeh jiw ni taw tiz raad.
I totally agree!
I like people who agree with me!
niks, school vormt geen uitdaging voor mij
maths !!! :)
codin' www-sites
english - sports - chemisrty
Biology from my old teacher or chemistry because I'm good at it.
hmmz..english, because its the easiest one
chemistry sports english religion
hi quinne. Gruss von Kanzler
hoi kanzler, schön dass es dich noch gibt ^^
jo mich gibts noch
i have in the university only maths, so its difficult to say whats the most favourite subject for me. I would say - maths :)
my former chemistry teacher was fun, he teached us how to make bombs or huge 'soapbells' and how a spudgun works and lots more useful, funny stuff :)
biology & history, physics is nice too atm but it's so easy here @ beginning (1st class of high school) so I think I won't like it anymore when it gets very hard
history and sports!
English Politics Sports
ekonomik social and jew
sleeping @ home
History n stuff
math , just because the teacher is hot tho.
math , becouse i suck there more than anybody of you all.
frietkot de terminus over de middag =(
$php = 1;

if (!$php) {
die('All I do now is PHP, sorry.');

echo 'PHP is my favourite lesson.';
eSports was always fun
latin, cuz making sudoku all the time and still getting pleasing marks is pure fun
maths & physics
Mine was Music.
thinking suicidal thoughts
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