school? university?

What level of school do you do? or in case you are studying what are you studying?
Me: VWO/Atheneum^^ dunno what im going to study yet
high school with major in languages
Gymnasium = Turnhalle
heul doch ;)
Mach ich auch! :'(
dann is ja gut!
ich vermisse Turnhalle :(
ich studiere das weibliche geschlecht
Gymnasium = Turnhalle

major in languages loled :)
Elektricitiet and Electronica
Klinkt geil.
TU eindhoven
I went to the USA to study computer science, but since i skipped all my math classes from middle school and high school, i didnt have any basics on maths, and i screwed up there during 1.5 years and finally decided to go back home and study something that i'm capable of, which was Linguistics and graphic design. It's my first year now.
trick voeg mij eens als de gesmeerde bliksem toe aan je buddylist!

btw im still doing gymnasium, gonna study english, but you already knew

edit: vriendelijk bedankt
Bachelor of Science in Medialogy at Aalborg University, Copenhagen. Finishing this summer; going for the master degree.
management @ university of applied sciences
studying Bachelor of Science in Georesourcenmanagement
upper secondary school :DDD
vmbo-t laaste jaar hierna zeevaartschool
University in cologne/köln.
Subject: Maths
management assistant in freight forwarding
university - computer games technology
Final year of uni, studying chemical engineering. Hopefully I'll be working in the process engineering sector from next year :D
Chemicals O_o
Erasmus University of Rotterdam - History
economics @ university of Linköping
economics @ portugal. university lusíada
TH -> MBO niveau 3 daarna half jaar niveau 4 en daarna HBO hoop ik
ICT - MBO Niveau 4

when/if I finnish this I am probably going to HBO but I still don't know if I'm going to do ICT or Philosophy :p
school ;]
HTS Technical Engineering
level 52
Physics maths and ttttheology! Woo! Hopefully I'll be studying theoretical physics in september and I can forget all this God nonsense.
bachelor secondary education (teacher training college: Dutch - English - History)
Advanced engineering at university


Medicine at university
nah, I'll get a wife that does
They're letting you study both medecine and engineering? Or your studying medical engineering?
I can study both as long as I don't start them at same year, and I didn't... I started with engineering, because I like that more :P... but my dad is a doctor and he would like me to be as well
Ah right, I thought you meant both at the same time. I wondered whether or not you were some kind of child prodigy, it would be quite amazing to study both those degrees at the same time.

But, if you're doing a masters in engineering, in addition to a medical degree, won't that be close to 11 years of study?
I started engineering 4 years ago when I finished high school, and I'm in the middle of my studies in that (not going to make the doctorate in it). Medicine I started this year and I'm concentrating on that now. So, my next 6 years I will be doing that, and doing some courses on engineering whenever I got time. After 6 years in medicine, I can already go work an spesialize meanwhile. So, I'm not a prodigy, and it will take me some time to get along with those 2 studies :)
vmbo T+ //class 4
studying laws atm 2nd year
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb.

second year, only four years to the end;)
Master of Science in informatics(i think), on 6th year :o
V6 =) en dunno wat ik ga studeren.. geneeskunde, psychologie, bio wetenschappen, bedrijfskunde.. kzie wel!
i sit in my house and play games :<
V6 geen idee wat ik ga studeren:P
university - mechatronics
Industrial Science
Uni - media
Bachelor of Engineering in Media Technology. EVTEK University of Applied Sciences, Finland. My last year, hopefully.
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