
I see Punksbusted.com doesn't care about the community. There's a misjudged cases in their database. Taking a blink of an eye to ban a player, it's so easy for you. Now you block me from getting to a new clan. Punksbusted.com is a joke. cheers.
what are you talking bout?
They're banning plp just by looking at some random demos.
banning my rtcw key isnt nice. rly!
you are?
the most feared noob
he' shooting blanks imo :d
You're 18 and you still don't know how to write in English, go to school!
Owned, and whose bright idea was it to give nabs the right to add people to a global ban list :x
Yeh, this game isn't taking all my time. It's just hard to get in a clan now.
You tried complaining on their forums?
Yes ofc, theres a way to appeal a ban. Been in contact via email. Just had enough of them.
post demo here and let the community judge you
Your case has been reopened a week ago and an admin is active in your thread, so its not true punksbusted dont care.
But their demo ban policy sux, a few serveradmins saying there is "something wrong" is often enough to ban someone, even without real evidence.
and this is why I don't like demos as proof.
nothing wrong in taking demos as proof, as long as the demo proves something :O
but banning for this demo here is ridicoulous :O
I've seen a lot of demos on here proving shit, that's what I meant.
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