Plans, Schmans!

Hello mates!

I hope we're all feeling v.pr0 tonight? I don't know what to do with myself, the snow has hit hard, and I'm at my parents' house 'surfing' the information super highway. My friend is out from 8pm tonight, in an hour's time, another friend is going for dinner at 9.30 with her sister, and have requested I come for a drink later.

I just don't know what to do with myself. Any suggestions? And what might your plans be for later, my little friends?
Grab a beer and a joint and keep chillin!
Beer located!
I need some advice too :< I'm at home doing completely nothing but waiting untill someone is coming over @ 23:00!
Grab a beer and a joint and keep chillin!
No beers or joints here =(
go and get some!
I'm at my parents' house

im sorry

edit: grab ur dick n double click

porn porn porn
Already done that. You can only masturbate so much in one night...
Call me and talk about Politics with me!
No wonder you have no girlfriend.
Ha! I got one! I feel sad for you beeing single for your whole life.
Don't worry, i'm too goodlooking to be single for whole life.
What country are you from?
Lol that was a joke m8 :D
Im german
Heh, well, I guessed it was! :p Just wondered where you were from!
Hi graballa, what about spending some time looking for the place where your parents keep their money ?
Heh, in their joint bank account, shares, and investment funds sadly, old son! No cash under the mattresses and the like. Not that I've checked! I trust you are well, Mout?
im bleeding out of my right eye, maybe i should do something about it
I think you should! Unless that's normal for you.
feeling very bad since i'm getting boned @ online poker. So frustrating. :<
Chin up...the next win is around the corner!
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