Xfire2 layout

I remember that there was a forum-thread about xfire2-layout thingy, anyone find it for me? Or just tell me how to change it?

edit: All fine now, m1ch won the prize (which is a night with jessica alba). Congratz!

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/* forums shizzle */
td.SexyContentAlt td {
background:none !important;

/* special small fixes for odd shit in random places */
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background:#adb0a4 !important;
color:#000 !important;

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background:none !important;
border:none !important;

td[colspan="2"].SexyWhiteBGNews {
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div.constrainImages {
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/* enhancements */
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textarea {
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select, input {
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input[type="text"] {
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color:#000 !important;

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background:#adb0a4 !important;

//// and you need Stylish Manager or something for this :p
Excuse me but where do i paste this code?
Stylish Manager or something.. and do you have firefox ?
lol MS Notepad :)
Need comments counter back please :((((((((((((((( i beg
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