graphic bugs ?

any idea what cause this?
graphic card ? corrupted packets? settings?
no its UFO !!!!!!
Space invaders!
thats "ET"
already sleeping!
Possibly artifacts. If your graphics card gets too hot, either from prolonged use or overclocking you get artifacts (note the spelling, not artefacts), which are basically a sign that if you keep it up you'll fry your card's chip. Artifacts can mafiest in a number of ways on your screen (malfunctioning colour, textures etc), but they are always a graphical misrepresentation or fault. Solution is to stop overclocking, or at least lower chip/ramdac frequencies or if you don't overclock, lower your in game settings and don't play for as long.

Other possibilities could include a corrupted PK3 file, but I doubt you would be able to play the map if it was corrupted, but perhaps somebody who knows more on that subject can enlighten us :)

I would go for the former, but don't take it as gospel until some others agree. It would be my diagnosis anyway, I had a similar problem when I overclocked a Radeon 9550 a couple of years back.
hmm... i think i found problem. cooling fan is full of shit so that may cause overheating and wich caused artifacts.
thanks for help :-))
Why the hell did you shit on your cooling fan? Use a lavatory for goodness sake.
I take back my comment that stated you were a cunt.

You are a good samaritan, sir.
He's just a know-it-all. ;<
...and that.
eh, I was a cunt, but I do have my moments ;)
i have the same when i minimize and then maximize again ^^
yep its a bug u get sometimes when u minimize and maximize ET.

i had it to, kept getting worse every second till everything got black :(

restart ET / reinstall
Sounds like some kind of RAM-issue then.
n1 wh behind the flag is something weird...
It's snow OMG LOL
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