Moorning II

Good morning world, i'm at school now. I woke up @ 7.15am, drank some coffee and started the car. 20min later i jumped in and drove here, took about 45min in -26C temperature.When i arrived here i found out why it didn't get that warm in the car, even though it should have. Right door was open lol :(

Anyways i have only 3 hours of this shite. Have a nice day!
morning, shit -26C :(((( have a nice day 2
hey lol there is about 15 C.i went to school only with sweatshirt
going to school in 15 minutes
have a nice day guys :-)
One thing that annoys me is that bit retarted student who keeps buggin' me for some reason. And i mean retarted for real.
sounds like you're in an 'elite school'
Sounds like you're jealous!
pls "special school"
elite, where?
-26 gg ;I its 48° and its snowing here on loekino's love island ;o
30min and i'm off, hope my car starts without problem.
i lol'd

the sun is shining right here in malta, its 13/15 celcius. Hope u enjoy your negative temperatures :D
school? pff. Nothing to do till 13 april!
I have to make a ticket machine that calculates prices in Java, but thats so easy that I can't be bothered :<
holidays over here dear sir 8)
I'm back home, i have a nice day now. Car worked fine.
good thing m8!
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