CB Ladder @ ADMINS


Place 5 on CB ladder , dont ask them for a ladder game. If you are higher in the ladder than 30.

Maybe you will get an answer like "In 3 weeks maybe we dont have 6"
But 342345235 members on the cb account.

They are only playing vs low+ , i found 1 good team sth thats all in the match logs.

cb should work on a challengefunction that , if they decline , gets them some pps.
agree with you daniel !
tr00 busyboy

lowskilled noobs
agree, we need more skilled teams playing laddermatches
Look twice and you'll see a lot of teams playing cb ladder now for having a better chance of a direct invite to the next ec :>
np: Hannover 96 - Alte Liebe

Habt ihr auch gute Songs? :| (Sowas wie ne Hymne)
Bisher nur peinliches.
War klar. Sowieso nur Event-Fans in der AWD-Arena. =)
Zum Teil hast recht. Gibts aber überall.
Am geilsten sind eh die Bayern-Fans. Paar Tausend in einem Block stehen und 100 oder so singen. xD
They dont want to lose!
so sad :(
yes true
rule: top 10 of the 6v6 ladder are invites for Eurocup
10-30 can qualify...
i disagree with the numbers, but its a nice idea imo.
its some way to force better clans to play in ladders
CB already said they'll look for cb activity :o
i think they are rly skilled

they must be ! 5th place @ CB isn't just "nothing" !!
agree with you daniel !
who cares abt some ladder
whine ofc
daniel, you are the god! <3
i think your talking bullshit here. Team is concentrating on cup matches, and not on ladder atm.

And they also have most matched played of ladder, so keep on whining hummel ;)
+ they are playing like every day
The statement by me:

First of all, we're playing against active clans+ clans just joining ladder- we don't see anything bad in that. At the beginning- when we were joining ladder- we have been challenging all clans, but we soon realized there is a problem with clans not gaming so active in the ladder. It wasn't once or twice we heard: we didn't have full lineup, thats why u won. Wasn't nice to hear. I think we have the rights to choose our opponents- i don't see much clans declining our challenges.
Secondly, we have beaten zenith and dream on our way to top5- maybe u got some problems with calculating what rank they had if we gained 57 and 70 pts?
Next, as it follows, you have asked me about game yesterday, then i answered i ll pm u next day ( which comes today) as i m inactive since like 6 months and i m supporting orga a bit. what's more, i have been off even @ irc as i had exams time. i have talked to my mates and i got respond that 3 players: Netherlands Smokey, who is currently leader, Netherlands Saviour, who was made war arranger, and France ArkAz are gonna quit EU after OC, and I need to choose another leader+ give him time to rebuild team. Then u started ur whine about, as i see "But 342345235 members on the cb account". i dont have any problems with my eyes and i can see that management+ players gives 7 active players, while rest are or supporters or inactive.
Next, why u aint whining about this: http://www.clanbase.com/claninfo.php?cid=833401
342345235 members also? A "clan" which consists of most of highskilled players which is "active" in 1 ladder?
Furthermore we have proven we're not that bad playing in 1/4 finals in 4th and 3rd league ( still can make more @ 3rd, match tonight)
If ur soooo good why u used points of highbot to get auxilia or whatever to top5? not skilled enough to start ladder?

keep on whining kid, we dont care about ur opinion k thx bb
Good comment, but some ppl arent just that smart and sometimes it is indeed hard to READ.
here comes my idol!
hi homer :)
hi2u my fanboi <3
ladders are fun
tbh a person whining about 1 decline @ ladder has to be fucking retarded. i ROFLOLOLOLED when u wrote to me: now i go post @ xfire + planet.be (or smth) homer omg, its 5 mins when i will post. homer i have posted LOLOLOL cry me a river
lol Hummel is funny
If your so skilled all challenge Stronger then hate or are you scared?
OC is more important then ladder anyway
and those challenges where made 1 month ago
why are you ingoring his challenges, and you may know hummel he wants points ;D and i dont think he's scared for other more skilled clans.. btw gl in oc
read my comment - 3 leaving very soon- team will be rebuilded + concentrating @ OC
to much to read.. but i gaved my opinion + gl in oc + rebuilding your team
its about we have beaten 2 teams ranked as we were to get to top5+ we will lose 3 so we declined+ sth - non existing clan is no.1 + hummel is tard
why play against clans who are much better then you. It's stupid because your sure you will lose your points.
say never you'll lose, then you will lose.. why should you lose if you pay attention to teamplay + tactics then its not hard to win from a more skilled clan who didnt payed that much an thought easier about such a war then a 'lower' skilled clan.
that's true, but they tried against sth and they didnt win so why try again if your busy with cup and things.
right, little bit of teamplay and you can win with dignitas :)
Question is what is worse...declining a challenge with good or bad reasons or whining on xfire cause you don't get the easy points of EU.

does auxelia really need EU's points so much that you have to make this post?

edit: ofc, EU's challenging has always been a joke... but that's cb rules =/
There are always some clans ranked high because of they are very active instead of being very skilled. You have to live with it..
i´ll sell our account humm3l (#4 I think), didnt know that ladders arent out of interest anymore...
hummel wants to get some easy points?

care about those lowskillers
EU vs aClmx 4-2 . hi low-
haha shittard
first: i wasnt in aclmx back then
second: i dont care about 6v6, 6v6<3v3
third: you have a high rank as lowskillers, we dont, thats why this journal is made and i totally agree
fourth, be very, very, very, very proud you win against aclmx but now stfu and go play with your lego again
lego > your ego
Nick gaat u lego es opruimen , EN NEE HET IS VAN JOU NIET JE BROERTJE
me zusje :)
door jou hadden we gister verloren ! , ownee het was MARVIN
ja waarom doet die kutnoob ook weer dat deurtje open en waarom kan hij niet strafen?:<
i dont wanna spam, but u say 3v3>6v6 how do u think this match would finish when i owned your teammates 1v3 in that 6v6? :)
Ja, Nick hier pwnd hij je dubbel en dwars, bouw maar een muurtje met je lego kun je erachter gaan zitten. whahaha
volgens mij schiet bozar hem met zijn pik nog af
anyway did we say where proud?
and Nick your skilled in 3v3
but 6v6 never seen you in any skilled team?
you have too much time moron ... this clan is existing since jan. 23. 2005 ... If we compare this to your ex no0b clan highbot you can get a headache fo sure!
so basicly, you are allowed to challenge lower skilled clans but they arent.
hummel was so desperate to play vs EU - he even said EU can use 2 ringers, just to play zlol
a decent clan would not challenge clans 2 pages behind itself.
but ofc who cares about decency?
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