my ftp

useless journal. so go fuck your mother
go away stalker

ps. u're a homo
the right word is battie boy!
random comment: lol
image: topi

intelligent friends I have, they just need a few tips
looooool, what an ugly desktop
why should we care? ill make a journal that my pc just booted!
rivatuner on the background niceeeeh
This song is (way) better than your frags, why do i need to find it out the hard way you got this on your ftp!!! :@
image: shot0001

Not stable fps on sd with those specs? :o)
fps is not the main point of picture. look his cool bind 8)
ye I know but look at his specs he spent much money for his computer
u can see the lagometer isn't straight flat, dunno is it for all people but for me at least ping unstability unstabilizes fps too. also if I have had my pc on for like 48h orsmth and have been rendering some et movies it isn't stable all the time but usually it's stable 125. without limit it's unstable 400-600 (with AA AF n' stuff at max)
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