improving english

good morning xfire users

im willing to improve my english because its absolutely necessary for my future. i am not planning to buy some learning books or software but i thought it wouldnt be that bad just to implement an english "quality" newspaper homepage in my daily surf route.

i appreciate any links or published recommendations
Don't come on here if you're planning to learn English :D
don't buy the fucking sun. is the best news place because they get everything first.
you should read dictionaries imo
join gn vent :D and talk to apple the retard he will learn you how to flame
I kan tech yuo guud anglish
owke tankyo

y r u not in meh buddylist, wth1!!_!11!
just surf digg, it's way better than any newspaper
from xfire is teh best way to learn english!
write more journals on xfire and if no ones says "humm3nglish" your english is perfect!
best reply :D

@all thanks for your input
Move to England.
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