ET:QW to Consoles, Not Delayed

Activision and id Software announce plans to release Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for the Xbox 360 and PS3. The announcement makes two mentions of Splash Damage's upcoming multiplayer shooter being one of the most anticipated titles of 2007, which seems to clarify that the recent mention of the game's fiscal 2008 release window does not actually represent a delay. Word is the Xbox 360 edition is being created by Nerve Software while the PS3 edition is in the works at Z-Axis.

tell savage or whoever has to send the demos to hurry up, im bored
:l they should stop developing & testing the game and announce their new project, RTCW 2
Nerve software should spend their time on RTCW2 MP for PC :/
in few years our little community is dead and no replacement will be announced :l
Crossfire will never die :(
they probably have one programmer working on that if any
i can predict: the game will never be released. \o/
ich behaupte mal ganz dreist das gegenteil
This must be why there was a guy in one of the videos from Qcon, that looked like he had an aimbot :)
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