config changes

Ive got a bit of a problem... when i play on pubs my sens feels great... but when i play with cb config/some other cfg i loose all "feeling" in the mouse and i cant aim well... a mate sais the configs might "change" my sens a little bit... but to me its a huge difference...

anyone but me experianced this? and is there any commands perhaps? allowing me to have the same n1 sens on war servers as i have on pubs? =)
welcome to my world...

when I play on publics my mouse feels great and my sensitivity is just perfect and 99% of the time I have more headshots than kills :p but all that changes when I play a 3v3 :[ maybe its just because I don't play a 3v3 every day but when I play I lose my touch :[ most of the time I have more kills than headshots and I don't play as relaxed as I do on publics :[ but I think its just because I'm noob in 3v3 :[

edit: playing on publics and playing wars are 2 totally diffrent things for me :p when I play wars it feels like I have changed my sens and mouse and my gaming style totally changes :[ but I think its just because I'm a pubstar :D
You shouldn't make comparisons about your headshot accuracy based on the relationship between your kills and headshots, since it's totally inconsistent. Supposing you're shooting a guy from long range and you give him 5 headshots, but he still doesn't die, and then you kill a guy from close range with 2 headshots and a bodyshot, they're not equal. A good way of comparing your headshots is by checking your headshot accuracy, you can do that by seeing how many headshots you've got (with MP40, for example), divide it by the number of shots fired with that same weapon (not the amount of shots on target), and multiply by 100.
yes I know I shouldn't, but I do :p

I don't like math :[
There's really not that much Math involved, you can pretty much guess. If you've shot 343 bullets with the MP40 and you've got 31 headshots with it too, then your headshot accuracy is around 9%, it's not like you need to use a calculator. It's a lot more consistent than going by a kills/headshots ratio, because you could be camped somewhere on Radar getting lots of headshots from long distance but not killing very many people, on the other hand you could be playing Braundorf and the total opposite would be happening. With your logic, you could assume that you were aiming worse on Braundorf, when that isn't necessarily the case. Just get used to working out your headshot accuracy, it's much better!
I was joking about the math thing :p

if you look at it that way then yes you are right!
raise that 9 by 10-15 imho -_-
31/343 x100 = 9.0379008746355685131195335276968
I don't think we are speaking about the same thing ;P
stop your allknowing comments plz :'(

you made me play with 250hz on my mouse now
you were right, the mouse feels more consistent at 250hz, doing 200hz most of the time, only peeking at 250hz when doing very fast movements and changing directions. Overall the mouse is more consistent, but responds a tad slower.

At cpma 1000hz > all
That's true, but there are flick shots and the like, in CPMA, in ET it's just basic tracking for the most part, which would require a more stable polling rate.
Thanks for the nice info x)

And yes, doing flickshots at 1000hz is just pure reflex powha!
i aint no pubstar... i can rly feel the difference =)
I cant help it i dont know if there is any difference either:xD
np: thc - je weet et ( puur & onversneden)
THC - 100% Zuen

beste nummer ooit van THC :p
zuen is wel grappig af en toe maar heeft niet echt goeie teksten imo
je bent gek! :p

Quoteloop jij maar lekker misselijk van de drank dan loop ik met een brede lach!

mm lkkr rijm:p of blow je elke dag?:p
niet meer :[ VMBO is voorbij :[

af en toe een keertje in het weekend :p is ook niet vaak meer
en alweer een nederlands dieptepunt:(
Dont stress too match in praccs ;>
The league configs are not forcing any mouse settings, except for m_pitch and m_yaw.
something is different
sprinting is not allowed in public x||
My fakenick on xfire tho
I've also had a similar feeling sometimes, could be to do with b_fixedphysics "1" and b_fixedphysicsfps "125", which are forced in configs, unless I'm mistaken. Most public admins don't have them forced, since they don't know what they do. It used to be the case with b_realHead also, the default was 0, and most public admins didn't change it to 1, because they didn't know about the cvar, I asked the ETPro guys to make 1 the default, arguing that most public admins would probably put it on 1, if they knew about it, but since most didn't, a default of 1 would be good. In retrospect, it would have been a good idea to ask them to put fixedphysics 1 and fixedphysicsfps 125 too, but I didn't think of it at the time. I know what those cvars supposedly do, but how they do it - I do not know. I have suspected that they might have some kind of influence on movement/aim feeling, but I can't back that up with any proof because I don't know how they function, I suppose it could be tested.

I definitely do agree with your sentiments though, I have often found that I'd be warming up on a public, aiming quite well, then I go to play a prac and it feels totally different. Of course, try asking the ETPro team about it, you'll get "placebo" shouted at you, much like the way that they still refuse to accept that people still warp/lag or become "unhittable" at times, that's where my frustration with ETPro arises.
its called public
its probably because you like boys
them i touch at work! this is sparetime ffs!

ok ill remove b_fixedphysics "1" and b_fixedphysicsfps "125" from my cfg. and see if i notise a difference
They're server-side settings, I thought you would have gathered that from reading my post. :P

Quotewhich are forced in configs, unless I'm mistaken. Most public admins don't have them forced, since they don't know what they do.
had em in my own pr0 cfg :p
They won't do anything. :p
i rly dont need to know what i cant do :p
<strike>in etpro, as of 3.2.6 b_fixedphysics defaults to 1.</strike>

Whoops, no it doesn't. It defaults to 0. Most competent pub admins should still set it to 1
make it default to 1 in the next etpro update :P
fixedphysics really doesn't affect anything other than jump height.
QuoteI definitely do agree with your sentiments though, I have often found that I'd be warming up on a public, aiming quite well, then I go to play a prac and it feels totally different. Of course, try asking the ETPro team about it, you'll get "placebo" shouted at you, much like the way that they still refuse to accept that people still warp/lag or become "unhittable" at times, that's where my frustration with ETPro arises.

just like netsettings doesnt affect hitboxes? If fixedphysics makes the game more fair why not make everybody play with the same settings, especially if it only affects jumping heights and not the way your aim feels.
maybe because you play on pub (where the average skill is low+) you get the "feeling" your owning and are not affraid to die or rush into a 3 man defends somewhere, in wars it's different because you actually know your playing vs "better" players and maybe got more pressure on you or smth.. could be a psychological thing aswell (dont know for sure ofc. i'm not a guru but maybe pm PERFOGOD he prob. knows the answer).
your kidding me right? =)
did you think that i meant that? ... loool :D
ah hahhaha dör nästan av skratt :DD
kul för dig lillgrabbN
våga inte göra narr av min höjd från topp till tå så länge min kuk är betydligt längre och styvare än din.

gå och lira public
No, netsetting likely have some effect on hit detection. fixedphysics doesn't.

My point was that, regardless of what it should default too, it doesn't have anything to do with the original complaint.
yeah i know the feeling. On pubs evrything works fine but when i play a war my aim feels way less stable. And ppl are harder to hit even with my crosshair on them i only hit a small percentage of my bullets at times.

First i thought this was due to the lower lvl of opponents on pubs and the xp gaining. But even if i compare better pubs to wars its the same weird thing going on.

I also tried blaming polski ppl.. :), but then i noticed i get the same thing when fighting germans for example.

But im glad that im not the only one thats experciencing this, started to think it was all in my mind. Dno what the cause could be though. I suggest they start releasing rtcw2!!
aye its rly useless since i cant find a good setting in wars... i dont care if my pub aim is shiat... but the aim feels rly jumpy in scrims, i tried lowering my sens but it doesent work cuz then i cant rly move :D
same here, if im testing settings i go on pubs to see if it suits me, but then the same settings are tottaly different in wars
yeah it really sucks...

andive been doing it for months not realizing that it was cuz of configs or w/e.. i thought it was some mouse prob or w/e :D
Play wars only
same for me
lol i have it the other way around, but i guess i just cant focus on playing on ffa (psychological stuff)
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