music in frag movies

just wondering what you guys like to hear in frag movies?

in my personal opinion its not a certain genre i prefer its more how the music can fit the frags.

nothing is worse than sitting there and watching a pretty demo with some music over the top of it.

i feel that 1 genre should be used through out or close to it. i also disagree with metal :)

i like music where the beat is sporadic which allows for munipulation of frags creating sync. the biggest trouble i find is that i find music where 30seconds is awesome, but then it becomes boring, could you use 20 x 30sec music? i doubt it, as it would be hard to sit back and relax too as everything is always changing.

what are your opinions?
do you like people singing in the music? --- im not really a fan i prefer more beat so you can sync.
can a certain style of music completly turn you off a frag movie?

hmm i dont know. you know...some static techno music is boring, smth like "Juno Reactor - Masters of the Universe" (already used) owns, cuz its flexible and has a good melody.
rap is smth which annoys me in fragmovies, but rap rock like Limp Bizkit or Methods of Mayhem owns.
if you can find smth like this, then try some songs like "VAST - Touched", it is quite soft but it fits good for a fragmovie (it is already used by me! so dont try it ;p )

edit: people singing in the song? well, i think it is necessary so that the song cant get boring, there are just some "instrumental exceptations" which fit good to a fragmovie, but i think instrumental music fits more to intros/outros or hitsound-parts
One thing - pls no vocals in headshot parts. That's just terrible.
Emo always gets me in the mood for an ET movie.
Nothing sucks more than metal and "standard rock" in ET Movies.
Any dynamic music, as long as it is well synced with the avi :)
hi kad!1

I've always hated techno in frag movies, it really annoys me. But I also dislike techno outside of frag movies. But with music, you will never satisfy everyone. Just use what YOU think sounds good because if people don't like the song, they will most likely dislike it in the frag movie as well.
dance music in general owns in fragmovies, you cant deny when you first watched the eSr movie and juno reactor starting pounding half way through the movie the hairs on the back of your neck just stood on end. Suprisingly nothing "big" from dance has been used in movies yet thats why most people aren't really all that excited about the genre.
Die of sars, why aint cheaters like you purged from the site?
you nob end craj
alizée - gourmandises
what about 70's music?
need a link for esrael, swertcw etc. thanx
There is good music for fragmovies in every music genre..
tsu 2nd movie had the best music ever.
Fluke ftw
gangster rap :'D
drum n bass
Well ehrm.. the main thing is to choose music which you can sync well with the content, not meaning just these random bang bangs but you can do miracles for example with mixing the content with some slower or faster parts of the song or so on.

I don't mind if the music contains lyrics or not, however I do mind if the music is the usual nu-metal crap which you can hear almost in 9 movies out of 10. For me it kinda kills the tension instantly, not to mention that those songs are usually used with zero syncing or that you can hear the same songs in 10 different movies. There are some rare exceptions in that genre which actually sound good, but I'd rather use something else anyway. Also reader please note that this type of music has nothing to do with actual metal - against which I have nothing (unless it's black metal or similar), as long as the songs fit the movie and can be synced well.

Lately I've been listening to all kinds of electric stuff a lot and in my opinion it's one of the best music styles to be used in fragmovies too, as long as you can find the right songs. But after all, you can find the suitable songs from nearly every genre, just use some imagination. Think about the songs a bit and imagine how would you use them in a movie and how could you use them in a movie, instead of just throwing the songs and fragclips to Vegas (or whatever program you're using) timeline. It helps a lot to do some planning beforehand.

And remember kids, soundsync is everything. Oh, and don't use rap!
You need stlye to make movie. Then you can select music as well.
NIEDZIOWIEDZ fragmove was a good example of the music that a fragmove (imho) should have, music that can get the blood pumping, and provide ample opportunities for some cool effects (even if the above movie doesn't take advantage -_-).

But yeah, fragmovie music should just be what you think will go well with the movie and the frags, even if you do lose a few viewers over the choice (I hated the music in Tsu 2, even though the rest of it was pretty damn good).
i miss goa and dnb, someone should make a fragmovie
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