The real question

The Chicken or Egg journal inspired me to ask you guys the real mother of all questions.

Why is there something instead of nothing?
du gehst zu weit
Das ist das einzig wahre Ursprungsproblem zu dem uns jede Überlegung zum Ursprung des Lebens/Universums führt. :(
Ur*, und solche fragen interessieren doch keinen, wirst es eh nie herausfinden :P
who says that is something is indeed something and not just nothing?
Because the only definition of something we can give is what we experience, find out etc. etc. The possibility of defining our world as nothing is either a simple play with words or a metaphysical assumption without valid evidence to it.
what IS evidence?
something. but as he said "without proof" that means without something = with anything
and what is a valid evidence that the world is something?
something and nothing are just words made by humans
u cant get nothing w/o a something
Because if there was nothing, there wouldn't be something, and that would be kinda boring ^_^
Because nothing doesn't exist. If you define something as nothing then the fact that you could define it means that it is something.
What was before the Big Bang?
Chuck Norris, duh.
The universe is an atom. And everything is just one big loop.
Oh, and the egg or chicken question was solved long time ago!
who says there is something when there might actually be nothing
Idd, nothing is actually > Something!
who cares nway
Stop drinking suspicious alcohol.
waste of xfire journal space, no links, no picture, no videos :(
why is this "something" so unfair?
(dumme fragen) x (dumme fragen) - (dumme fragen)² = nichts
gäbe es nichts, könntest du diese frage nicht stellen, also muss es was geben, alleine damit du diese frage stellen kannst, also muss sich der verantwortliche, wenn es so einen denn gibt, weil er ja superpowers haben müsste, sich im vornherein gedacht haben: "der coffin, der is so n kluges kind, der kann bestimmt von nem ei und nem huhn problem auf eine viel tiefliegendere philosophische frage leiten"

btw, lest das nich, es ist überflüssige abnuzung meiner tastatur
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