safe trip

Save trip to everyone who's leaving tomorrow! :-D

everyone who r going with airplane: make sure there arent any people with bomb vests on the flight and people who r going with the bus make sure ur driver doesnt fall asleep !

me kris and levi will leave fridaymorning @ 6 \o/

cu @ copenhagen

and use the checklist!
:D bring 7.5 meters of cable!! xd
Save trip? Obviously you mean "safe" trip...
no, he saves a lot of money because hes going by car..

Unfortunately he will spend the same amount since he has to pay for the fuel whilst travelling through france and spain before he finds out he heading in the wrong direction!

Srry Rbnt, it still is funny :P

its late!
Please remember to bring following items:
"Towel (for those who wishes to shower)"

Haha, no...i'd rather stink myself! (ironicly, and sadly, this still is very much the case for a lot of sk1ll0r g4m3rs)
believe or not, im intending to use those showers ;p
well, i dunno if you should use THOSE showers, but surely you do use showers when you are stuck there for 3 days right? :S
at least i wont be lonely :<
Showering isn't mandatory?!? wtf were they thinking?
Maybe Danes like to be smelly. :(
need pics!

not of anything involving showers of course... I just mean pics in general :x
you pervert, we knew you've ment pbscreenshots
shower is not 1337
cu @hostel mate xD
good luck =)
cu @ teh cbul
btw rbnt
when will you arrive?
i reckon it will take more than 6 hours to drive from nl doesnt it?
7 and a half hour drive or so not including breaks

think (hope) we'll be there before 3. ill give u a ring see where u at :D
ill be there around 12 i think maybe even earlier, not sure. leaving from my place at 8, so im guessing we will be there earlier :P in time for lunch or so
gl rbnt and others going there :)
Cant wait for the poker comments after the lan.
Hope your plane crashes
hey dat is niet aardig
ik ben alles behalve aardig
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