epic matchreport!


lol! look at the comments, especially where the guy threatens to call his lawyer.

best conflict ever
im famous"D
ok, need 3 more comments cos I promised I will make it a 50+ comments report when we came to 20 :<
lol, who are those nilkki and joonas anyway?
some random idiots that used to be in #rup.et ;)
ffs too much reading
rofl that was great :D

basically he cheats and wont show his demos , then uses his special move of bad english to confuse his enemies
1st i dont cheat.... you can ay what ever you want .. and i want see your demos send it to me ALL OFF YOU ADN ALL MAPS and i will send adlernest demo for you and atlest i cheated beafore look time on yawn GAYS .. and 2st you need accept it cuxz you cant prove i cheat cuz i DONT CHEAT so pls fuck off and get alive ... YOUR so pros benelux 1st ,,,, so you dont wanna ccept score cuz you dont wanna get beated EU 93 .... SO FUCK OFF AND I SEND DEMOS .... IF YOU SWEAR YOU GONNA ACCEPT IT ... and you said Downt worry it wont gonna accept :P .... CU>Z if you lose you say cheaters or smt GAYS


made my day.
you can send demos georke bush if you want stll we beaed you .....


this is the best imo.

"no you dont give m y demo or i will call my a lawyer and we gonna see on sue ... cuz i only gave my demos for you dont gonna give it no 1 or we will see on ,......."
the thing that he said he cheated before should be enough for a life ban!
Quote Nilkki wrote:
i dont Care but you arent going give my demo / share ... i will call my lawyer ......

your every attempt to be funny fails so miserably, just give up on life

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