Brutal killing of Dolphins - Petition.

Dolphin massacre in Japan

Sign Petition here

Fuck you Japanese, hope you die of aids and cancer!!!

Hi flipper and echo the dolphin.
Fuck you Japanese, hope you die of aids and cancer!!!

its sick yea, but to just blame them is kinda weird, everywhere in the world happens this shit, its a shame :((((
I'm not against killing dolphins because its only a mammal fish, but not on that way.

Dignity is needed.
we kill millions of cows and pigs every day.
similar videos made by europeans washing a cat, you remember?

this is a different culture, accept that
ye i know but this one just happened recently
fuckin' dolphin killers
Nuke Japan imo.
Already did that, remember? Though I'm thinking you are hinting at doing it again, right?
Is that a request? or just a poor attempt at being funny?

btw in case you didn't know, Japan is the only country to have a been nuked in anger.
it was a reflection of my feelings in this matter in the form of an statement which i actually wish never will be executed.

And in case u didnt know, i study history so im bound to know
I didn't know you studied history, but I am nonetheless glad to have cleared up our little misunderstanding.
blame me
and yes we will!
Fuck you Japanese, hope you die of aids and cancer!!!

101% agree
they should shoot ever person infolved with this and lets them blood to death
Nice english kiwi :D
what fucking worldsaver are you?
That video was horrific!

If you have to kill something at least do it as quickly as you possibly can to stop the animal from suffering for too long.
Rest in pieces dolphins.

signed (signitaure 118085), it's unbeliveable...
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