Which has more kids WoW or ET!?

So there I am, riding along on my new 60% Non Epic mount! I've just dinged 40 on my alt wahay go me! Just trotting around stormwind as you do, planning out my route to 70... When I get this msg;

"did you have tigger?"
"erhm, 'did I' or 'do I' ?"
"you have tigger?"
"A tiger* yes I have one..why?"
"i like tigger dey so cool we cen ride on some day"
"Wtf... Are you like 10 or something!??!??!"
"I'm 9 you?"

So now I have 9 yearold from denmark thinking he is my friend :<<<<<
Hope you enjoyed my supercool story.

P.S I'm bored and tried actually.
P.P.S I'm tried and tired :<
you mean tired?
you could try sleeping in a cave in zhfoak'gul before you go out and battle these zork shamans with lvl60 spelling ice death swords!
i bought a tiger yea
u just bought a /ignore

get flying mount u nublet!11
Well I gave up on my 68 warrior, it's a broken class... Anyway shush male nightelf!
just matter of time when they would buff it
k, send me a love letter when they do (K)
Warriors can be VERY powerful, I don't see what all the whine is about really, except when it comes to tanking ofcourse. :P

Druids > Warriors.

- ET has more older people with the brain capacity of a 9 year old, so I'll go for ET.
Well, atm in netherstorm, I'm questing and I have to eat after every fight! I'm meant to have most damage reduction due to my armor, except a soullink lock comes close ofc.... The downtime is just depressing, I can't go 5 man either, I get turned down for druids, and they won't let me dps instead of a mage or rogue!
makes no difference, can't compete with 18k armor and like 30% dodge !oX
aslong as you can keep all the agro on you, you can
Advice for a leveling warrior is to take a combination of MS (Only the 1st talent) with Second Wind and a great deal of Fury, great combination and low downtime.
Ugh, I hate going MS... I tried it for a while in nagrand, after I got the axe from the Ring of Blood. Really got screwed over alot, except I have screens of beating Aza THE WARLOCK in a duel (twice). Otherwise I much prefer fury, seems faster, atleast to me for lvl'ing ;p

EDIT: How about this http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=phGxbhb0xZVVzmxxoid - Maybe swap Improved Rend for Defelection... And could lose the Improved Overpower, 'cause I won't switch much ;o!
No, razz is out smoking. Oh and Mesqi is running from the police!
Yea, your an adult, so i guess et has less kids.
gg 16-year-old falming 9-year-old
wow gtfo
WoW suxaZZ
maybe its someone pretending to be 9 year old when infact he is 56 and is jerking off as he speaks to you??
maybe you could try meat him irl and take pics
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