WoW help

I bought the game since some tards started a new clan and i have nothing to do

I'm a total WoW noob and i need some advice on what combinations of races & classes i can use.

I heard rogue was the most fun & easy but that u wouldn't get a good guild since there were so many.

pllllls flame me
lfg gnomeregan no gnomes plz
join server Vek'Nilash
wanna advice? throw your WoW throught the window and play ET
gnomie's own :D
Imo warlock and paladins are the best classes atm
As they get their mounts for free ? ;)
dwarve rogue

mining and blacksmithing

perfect combination :)
QuoteI'm a total WoW noob and i need some advice

Start > Programs > World of Warcraft > Uninstall
plz format ur pc and throw it out of your window.

thx in advance...
hahahah... grappig
If you like abuse, go priest or druid.

If you like not being able to kill anything, go warrior.

Just go warlock and hope they don't nerf them :P
i'd be a swedish talking gnome
just choose one that looks good and hf
delete wow NOW and thank me later
collect the best items and improve your character
rogue is a great first character!
it doenst really matter at all imo.. HORDE FTW
rogue = 2 buttons only
warlock = fucking imba

play warri or priest wow needs more healer & tanks :D
Is there a spell called 'get a life' ?
the only reason why you buy wow is to ruin it...
if netcoders made wow hacks more people would play et
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