rtcw2 or quakewars?

what one will you guys play, rtcw2, quakewars or both D:D:D
rtcw2 only
It depends on which is better, I'm hoping rtcw2 :}
rtcw2 only
both will not be released

i'm the pessimistic etplayer
rtcw2 only
quakewars has nothing to do with et (except the name)
please :( what a question, rtcw2 ofcourse!

think I'll give ET:QW a try though :p
Same as above.
Same as above.
qw since rtcw2 is a utopia !
both if my pc lets me. :D
qw for sure :)
qw is based off doom3 engine and i dont like shit about aliens called strogg or sometn. also i can imagine movement to be slow not like a real q3 engine game (more like battlefield 2142, cod2, css, fear and other retarded games)

rtcw2 gonna be based off of new id software dx9&10 engine, i really respect id software and they r from london which pwnz all u nubz

rtcw2 ftw
rtcw2 for sure
rtcw2 for sure :p
stupid question
Gonna test RTCW 2 for sure if it would come out first, QW just isn't my type of game.
Silkroad Online for sure ! ( RtCW ² <3 )
aaah... eeeh... sup? aa, i see...
i will test both
definitely testing both.

one thing i dislike about rtcw2: it's developed for consoles and ported to pc -> many games handled that way suck hard!

i hope they don't make the same mistake as at q4!
quakewars will be something very new so there is no perfect q3 / rtcw which has to be topped. i honestly expect qw will be better even though i don't want it that way.
agree. But mayb the developpers will understand that rtcw belongs to the pc :)
need money.
rtcw2 ofc
pes7 pes8 pes9 pes10
yes you must be right, cheats are easier to find on pes

RTCW 2, but I guess I'll try the demo of QW and see if I like it or not.
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