linux ?!

yo xfire ppl,

i would like know what kind of linux distrib i should use to test.
i already have some basic knowledge and my first utilisation would be the gaming / webcoding.

just put a name or a direct link ;D

debian the best or if u are nuub then ubuntu but u say u know something then take debian then =)
Anonymous my english suxxx xD
Debian is worst distro evar
debians developers are fucking stubborn. You won't find many functions other distributions have. at least not supplied by the official repositories.
Ubuntu and Mepis are good imho.
what 'bout SUSE ?
not as bad as many people would say. But I encountered some bugs.
gentoo, np
I'd say gentoo !
I <3 gentoo, tooo :)
That's because the two days it took me to install it (compilation times and uni included) and another 4 for properly configuring it... ( I think I got ET running in day 3 or so...)
ok then try bsd or solaris :*
Mandriva if you are a first timer. Mandriva has best security, best interface for first-timers and has everything you could ever want from a desktop distro.
best securuity? you must be joking.
Nope. I'm not. Though security on Linux is only marginally better than Windows' tbh.

Oh yeah, best security would prolly be on Astaro Security Linux, my bad, but I'm guessing you don't want to lock down your machine. lol.
man I fucked up spelling security there :\

Anyway, mandriva is not very secure because it installs and runs tons of "helper" proccesses and wizards and whatnot, a properly configured Debian or Gentoo or Slack or whatever is much more secure than that.

Stable debian has perhaps the best security updates of all.
But a first timer isn't going to be able to setup security properly ;)

Besides which, all jokes about them aside, the French and USA's government servers all run Mandrake (What is now Mandriva) Linux! :O
imo ubuntu if you're trying something for the first time, its simple and good looking, AND easy... and when you get used to it get something you like, gentoo? dunno... :)
I use gentoo but it's not for everyone.
slackware imho
fedora / mandriva
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