xfire (program)

most of you probably know the "/cheaters" thing ... but everytime i play with the program xfire on in a server i get a code equal to (3d3d093d0302d-d3-203d9c9asdskdcmk4-4-23er9fddsjckmsdfm or smth like that :D)
Once i shut down this program it says "this user is clean".

Why does this program change this "status" ?
Ps: i asked a few more ppl to try it and they all had the same (on pub. and privite servers)

pls help me <3
It works normaly here, I used to get a red cheater sign behind my name when I was testing the ingame shit for ET when it was not official in Xfire last year or smth
xfire sucks
this used to happen with Etpro and Xfire when it came out first i remember being kicked for it few years ago to, Are you playing on 2.60b and new ETpro?
# Running ET in compatibility mode on windows (w2k, xp, etc) can cause strange looking /cheaters status output. Harmless, you can advise those players to discontinue playing in compatibility mode so they appear "clean" in the /cheaters listing Laughing
# Some strange videodrivers can also cause strange looking /cheaters status output.
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