KiH frostbite only? (raptus)

no wins on other maps vs good teams on shgopen?

interesting info
boring match omg
kih=rtcw team
frost=rtcw map
leave them alone!
seems they can't handle ET guns like rifle grenade and MG42 :-(
wieso biste net mit gegangen? :<
Ich bin doch so schlecht auf LANs, Silent_ - Das müsstest du doch am besten wissen. Hast ja auch "gehört", dass Hatred one4one mit Colt geowned hat, nachdem er auf LAN gesucked hat. :-(
achso ja hab ich vergessen ihr seid ja inet only ops :o

btw er war echt godlike mit seiner lowsens :> witzig das alle auf lan so ne ultra lowsens haben und trozdem net an ne 40er acc ran kommen ne :)
HAHAHA deine Peinlichkeit ist wirklich unübertroffen. btw sagt Accuracy einen verdamten Scheiss über das Aiming aus.
neeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn auf keinen fall ich mein wenn man perfektes aim hat kann man auch ne 30er acc haben np
They're good at maps like braundorf aswell, they just don't like large open maps and objectives that involve escorting tanks/trucks I heard. :<
they would pwn @ cf2 rtcw i hope they play there, Fette > all
wp kiitos
Because as RTCW players they know the map very well.
KIH is a good team, and tbh, they have really nice players (real life nice)
KiH played really well imo, they were friendly, and they were all good loosers except eddie who refused to shake hands after the match. And their teamplay was very nice, aswell as their spawnkill wasnt unsuccesful. I wish them luck in the future
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