The Beauty of ET 2
If you check this journal you can see how good et can look, not bad for a game base on extinct engine xD

Anyway inspired by derhannes's journal, i've decided to upload a short clip i made so lucky ppl with strong enough pcs can see the beauty of et in motion.
(you need media player classic or vlc palyer to play this)

To size whiners - you try compressing 720p @ 30fps and same xvid qualiy better and then comment :x
config please :p
looks really nice!
You should have perform it on a brighter map.
Hmm... There are darker maps in ET too, so I guess it's also important to make them look good.

I thought it looked great, best motion blurring I've seen in ET-videos so far: crisp, but still smooth. Only place I noticed samples was in the ammorack, for a brief moment. Even 1000 fps sampling has it's limitations.
how do i play this .mkv file
(you need media player classic or vlc palyer to play this)
or just the codecs, my bsplayer plays everything atm.
almost .mvk :D:D
haha, you got owned when the service door wasn't open
amagad its rtcw2
hahha busted, its easy to see your wallhack when u shoot @ the doors
looks nice
Great quality and config. Please add more clips in here. :-) Maybe some with Battle-scenes or smth.
Reminds me of the KiH movie for some reason. ;x
I think because of the gun settings.
Yeah, and the part where he jumps down from cp. KiH were better jumpers though. ;O)
DLing i'll edit when its done.

but the pics was really nice, if you need a very good PC for some things query me @ #vib :)


very nice but :

the compression could be better (x264?)
its a bit too dark :<

else its very fast the textures are amazing & much more !
its hard enough for some pcs to play 1280*720@ 30fps compressd with xvid, i dont even want to imagine how hard it would be if i compressed with x264 on this resolution and framerate. So i'm sticking with xvid.
you couldnt be more true ;p

pm me @ #vib i'hv to talk to you :)
I can't run this kind of quality with x264, XviD is fine though. Thanks for that. ;O)
awesome quality :O
Those pics could be used to promote our game, if that wouldn't be senseless anyway ;<

Edit: Is there anybody who's interested in making a page for Enemy Territory like the CoD2 guys did with ? ^^ I'd like to give my little support to that :>
u gonna make the page, im gonna give u footage for it :)

Would be nps for me!
#etpromo gesell dich zu uns ;o
this is a screenshot from my movie that will never be published :>

That's just a screenshot, and it looks blurry. :<
u just gave away your defend-tacs at frost!
looks terrific
not good
tbh i appreciate that u link to my pics, and pls dont get me wrong:

What is so unique @ the clip? But i think its me, cause the vid seems a bit "fucked up". I have 4 Squares, each displaying footage, in it.

Remember its "easier" to copress darker maps, try to achieve that on supply, and try it with the ingame console.

EDIT: Compiled a new mkv codec, only for u!
But i must say that Zaigon clips do look (better) the same with ingame action @ smaller filesize. But still i love to see that movies are going HD
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