Copperhead probs...

Every time my m8 is playing games or he just even works on his desktop his Copperhead turns off/disconnects, after some seconds it connects new (to the system).
He got the newest drivers + the newest firmware also he bought the copperhead 3 months ago.

waiting for some help, thx in advance.
sounds like a problem with the cable =/ the fix would be replacing it I think but I don't know much about that
The cable isn`t damaged,

but thx!
my mate had the same, it was a problem with the cable as mztik already said.
k, so he need to replace it.
just try to fix it... find the bad contact spot and stabelize it there with a straw and some tape or sth
that happened to me :( had to buy new mouse, and you say that the cable isnt damaged but it could be inside the cable...
that makes me a sad panda R.I.P Copperhread :'<

but THX for help :DDD
try another usb port, i tryed all of my 5 before i found the working 1.
If you have proof of purchase and its a problem like this, Razer will replace the mouse for you for free, That disconnect/reconnect thing has happened to me with 3 copperheads all of them I sent back and got replacements, there doomed to brake unfortunetly
the retard lost the bill... :DDD
If it was bought over the net contact your bank they'd have a copy.. or the shop where he bought it might even be able to refund
always keep the bill when buying razer mice :P

you can even use them for a few months, bring them back to shop and buy the same model cheaper or upgrade to a newer version at the same price :D
i think EVERY copperhead gets this problem after some months

i just threw it away and bought a mx518
fuck razer
had mine since release never had the problem
its broken...i had that prob with my razer diamondback, but it worked for 2 years alright, till now. yea, my razer died today :( and with it, a part of my soul :'[
well, i think its actually because of the broken cable
remember: mayb you cant see it, but the cable can be broken (inside so that you cant see it)

the only solution here would be: buy a new one

well guys, i hope you will come to the funeral of my diamondback :[

R.I.P. moviemaker mouse! you were the best partner for my hand :( image: shop_razer_diamondback_plasma.jpg_big
born: Summer 2005
died: 17th of February 2007
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