Promo site for ET

What do you think about a promotional website for ET? I believe that there had been plans for that already but nevertheless, what do you think about?

An example for this project could be But our goal would not be the promotion for bigger tournaments like wsvg or eswc (could also be but has not to be), our goal would just be to present ET quickly.

The page could contain:

- A full download (ET 2.6b - e.g.swine's pack)
- Screenshots / Wallpapers ( e.g. - this Journal)
- A promo video (Fragmovie like 'Welcome to ET' / Video in RGB style / HD Video)
- Quick links to ETPro, Crossfire, Clanbase, ESL,...)

Senseless or useful? Any body interested in supporting such a project? -> #ETpromo
would be nice! maybe with some nice pics of the game, small explanation and a flashplayer which shows a bit of ET (video)
sorry to say but:
np, contact me if you need help
I like the idea. I don't know how often Velocity's guide to ET is updated, but a section that got the newbies into playing properly would be good too. It's all very well getting a load of new people to play, but it's a waste of time if they're just useless fragbait :)
There's enough site out there for people to read if they want to learn the game better. Imho just make a really nice looking and simple site with some nice ET actions and a big button: Download ET now! Full game.

It would be a link you could easily give to friends to introduce them to ET. Also the ETpack should support all popular mods not just ETpro.
i can support you with webspace if needed :E

got unlimited traffic
Thanks so far :> arni and me will try to build up a group of ppl for that ;> Contact me if you are interested in helping.
Idea is great...
start a new irc channel and ask around, i'm sure there are a lot of people who want to add to the project.

A nice flashsite with some ET clip and a download link would be nice indeed.
Yes that's what I thought as well :> Join #etpromo :p
Welcome to ET is worst movie to introduce people to ET. They just dont understand shit of what is going on. Maybe some stuff like the 141 trailer with the goldrush docrun or something like the original Shaolin RTCW movie which showed a huge RTCW battle on beach.
Yes, should be a new movie. So we've to contact a Moviemaker as well :>
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