#Suck.My.Ping - High Skill Club

#suck.my.ping is a channel that is providing a supervised server for training with highly skilled players [same providers as the Bio server, but more active admins] there are no rules and stuff , just to have fun and enjoy the quality of this server so if you are interested , /q cpx-Blacky OR /q Ranje , and we will chack if ur clan can join :) for now, there are some clans from top 5 of EU (NETR , dignitas , etc)
Hoi BlackSpot! Do you remember?
23:31:29 ins|Blacky`in #eSrael #Galacticos #aMenti (7th Player) #on-Pills #e3-Gaming

He got some serious business ya'll!
link to SMP movies anywhere?
u left aMenti? 8/
nice one ... keep up the good work :)
thx dorush ;)
give <3 to blacky
<3 Soprano
gogogo ftw <!:
hosted in israel probably, just what i was waiting for.

nice inglish btw
UK server..
like BiO
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